Student Records Office
Personnel in the Student Records Office assist currently and previously enrolled students in the following ways:
Academic Honors
At the end of each term, Student Records will identify students eligible for the President’s List, Dean’s List and Part-time Honor Roll.
Confidentiality of Records
The Student Records Office is the office authorized to release student information. This office adheres to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regarding release of student information. Students who do not want directory information to be released should contact the Student Records Office and complete a form for non-release of directory information. See Release of Student Information.
Students must complete a Drop/Add/Withdrawal form to allow the Student Records Office to change class schedules or withdraw students from classes. Web-enabled students may make their own changes online during the published schedule change period for the term attending.
Enrollment Certifications
Students desiring to have their enrollment certified for previous loans, Department of Social Services requirements or other purposes can have this done at the Student Records Office.
GPA Recalculations for Repeated Courses
Students who repeat 100- or 200-level courses will have the lower grade removed automatically from GPA calculations if both courses have the same course prefix and number. If the repeated course was first taken under a different course prefix and/or course number, the GPA may be manually recalculated if the course is equivalent. In this case, the student must complete a repeat course request with the Student Records Office. Both courses and grades will remain on the transcript, but the original course grade will no longer be calculated into the GPA at Midlands Technical College. Students planning to transfer should be aware that other institutions may recalculate their GPAs using all courses completed.
Students planning to graduate should log into their Self Service account to review their Graduation Overview and submit the graduation application according to the due dates listed in the college calendar.
MTC Transcripts
MTC transcripts are ordered online through Parchment. Transcripts list courses which were taken for college credit. Credits may be applied toward a degree, certificate, or diploma. These courses may be transferred to another post-secondary institution for evaluation towards program completion at that institution.
Requests for transcript of courses taken at other institutions must be directed to the issuing institution.
Courses transferred into MTC from other institutions do not appear on the official MTC transcript. However, students may view transferred courses on their unofficial transcripts via MTC Self Service.
Partial transcripts are not released.
Address Changes
Currently enrolled students may change their address online through their MyMTC Account. Address accuracy is essential for student receipt of registration information and other college information, including refund checks. Mail returned to the college may result in a registration hold being placed on the student’s record until the corrected address information is received by the Student Records Office. Address changes do not constitute a change in residency. Requests for residency changes for tuition purposes are made through the Admissions Office.
Name Changes
Official name changes are made through the Office of Student Records. Students may access the name change form and information on required supporting documents by logging into MyMTC in the Student Records section. Forms are also available at any of the Office of Student Records campus locations.
Probation/ Warning/Suspension
The Student Records Office notifies students placed on academic probation, warning or suspension. These communications are sent at the end of each full semester, rather than at the end of each mini semester.
Routing a Previous College’s Transcripts
The Admissions Office will route official previous college transcripts to the Student Records Office for official evaluation. Official transcripts are transcripts sent directly from one college to another. Electronic transcript formats are preferred but not required. Students are encouraged to request previous colleges to send official transcripts electronically whenever possible to expedite transcript evaluation. Unofficial transcripts are used only for admission purposes and are not routed to the Student Records Office for evaluation. Approved and non-approved credit is available for viewing at the student’s MyMTC account.
Verification of Grades/GPA
Students needing to verify grades/GPA for auto insurance, company reimbursement of tuition and other purposes should contact the Student Records Office.