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General Policies

Campus Environment

Midlands Technical College intends to provide a campus environment conducive to learning and to the successful attainment of student goals. Respect for the rights of others, openness to new and different ideas, acceptance of individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures, and belief in the worth and dignity of all people are encouraged. The Midlands Technical College Student Code reinforces this concept and outlines the rights and responsibilities of students.

Student Right to Know

Information about Midlands Technical College’s graduation rate is available from the Office of Assessment, Research and Planning; is provided as a link on the college application; and is provided on the Midlands Technical College Student Achievement Data webpage at

Information about Midlands Technical College’s annual security report, institutional security policies and crime statistics are available from the Campus Security Office and are provided on the college’s website at The information is also annually mailed to individual students’ college email addresses. Other types of compliance and consumer information may be found on the college website at WWW.MIDLANDSTECH.EDU/about/compliance-and-consumer-information.

Alcohol/Drugs Policy

Midlands Technical College seeks to provide a drug-free, healthy, safe and secure work and educational environment. Employees and students are required and expected to report to their work, class or student activities in appropriate mental and physical condition to meet the requirements and expectations of their respective roles.

Midlands Technical College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of narcotics, drugs, or other controlled substances or alcohol at the workplace and in the educational setting. Unlawful for these purposes means in violation of federal/state/local regulations, policies, procedures, rules and legal statutes. Workplace means either on college premises or while conducting college business away from the college premises. Educational setting includes institutional premises, approved educational sites off campus, and any off-campus location during college-sponsored events and activities.

To prevent the consequences of alcohol and other drug abuse at the workplace and in the educational setting, Midlands Technical College and the South Carolina Technical College System have implemented this policy to ensure a drug-free work and educational environment.

Midlands Technical College recognizes that chemical dependency through the use of controlled or uncontrolled substances, including alcohol, is a treatable illness. The college supports and recommends employee and student rehabilitation and assistance programs, and it encourages employees and students to use such programs. Midlands Technical College also performs a biennial review of alcohol and drug policies, programs, incidents, and needs and uses this information in the development, adjustment and implementation of related policies, procedures and programs.

The college will implement drug-free awareness programs for employees and students. Such programs will annually ensure employees and students are aware that:

  • Alcohol and other drug abuse at the workplace and in the educational setting is dangerous because it leads to physical impairment, loss of judgment, safety violations, and the risk of injury, poor health or even death. The health risks and effects of controlled substances and alcohol will be provided to students and employees.

  • Alcohol and other drug abuse can significantly lower performance on the job and in the classroom, thus adversely affecting the college and the college’s mission, as well as seriously affecting a student’s educational and career goals.

  • Employees must report any personal conviction under a criminal drug statute for conduct at the workplace to their human resource officer within five days. Management must report to granting agencies any employee conviction for conduct in the workplace within ten days of receiving notice.

  • It is a condition of employment and enrollment that all employees and students must abide by the policy on alcohol and other drug use as well as related procedures, statements, laws and guidelines. Violation of any provisions may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion respectively, and may have further legal consequences consistent with federal and state laws and regulations. Additionally, management may require an employee or student to enter an employee/ student assistance or drug rehabilitation program as a condition of employment or enrollment. In addition, management is specifically required by law to take appropriate action within 30 days of receiving notice of any employee’s conviction for conduct in the workplace.

  • Use of employee assistance programs (EAP), student assistance programs (SAP) or drug/alcohol rehabilitation services is encouraged.

For information on substances that can cause chemical dependence and their side effects and health risks, please visit the Student Life Office on either campus or obtain information online at WWW.MIDLANDSTECH.EDU/about/compliance-and-consumer-information.


Students are required to register their vehicles and display a student parking permit on the driver’s side rear window or bumper of their vehicles to park on campus property. Students may park only in white-lined spaces.

More specific information on traffic regulations is published online and in the Student Handbook.

Safety and Security

Midlands Technical College complies with guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) to ensure a safe environment. When necessary, students and personnel are required to wear protective equipment to prevent injury. The cost of equipment is listed under the specific curriculum in this catalog, and can be obtained from the bookstore. In the event of a pandemic, personal protective equipment may be required.

For the safety and security of the campus environment, MTC uses video surveillance on all of its campuses. In addition, Midlands Technical College adheres to the guidelines of the Campus Security Act and the Campus SaVE Act. In addition, campus security and crime information is available on the college’s website.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

In the interest of a healthier environment, the college prohibits smoking and tobacco use on its property.

Student Complaints

As members of the academic community, students are entitled to all rights and responsibilities accorded them by the laws of this community. The process by which students may file grievances concerning harassment, discrimination and other academic matters is outlined in the Midlands Technical College Student Handbook, which is available on the college’s website at


Midlands Technical College uses video surveillance on all of its campuses for safety and security purposes

Disability Services

The college provides services to students with disabilities who have appropriate documentation to help them gain access to academic opportunities at the college. Reasonable academic accommodations are determined by reviewing each request individually. Disability Services is located within Counseling & Career Services on the Airport Campus, Airport Student Center, room 237, 803.822.3505, and on the Beltline Campus, Beltline Student Center, room 239, 803.738.7636,

English Fluency of Faculty Members

When a student files a formal written complaint with the department chair or dean regarding the English fluency of an instructor, the department chair will immediately alert the dean of the appropriate School, who shall refer the instructor within 10 instructional weekdays to the English Fluency Evaluation Committee for a proficiency evaluation.

An instructor who is judged proficient by the committee will continue teaching assignments without any further action. If, however, student complaints continue or the supervisor determines a continuing fluency or communication problem exists, appropriate actions can be initiated.

A permanent instructor judged deficient by the committee will be given one academic term to develop sufficient English fluency to be judged proficient by the committee. If during the term the instructor has not shown evidence of satisfactory progress in overcoming the deficiency, disciplinary action may be taken, up to and including termination. An adjunct instructor judged deficient by the committee may be immediately terminated.

Student Conduct

The college reserves the right to maintain a safe and orderly educational environment in keeping with the policy on campus environment. When in the judgment of officials a student’s conduct disrupts or threatens to disrupt the college community, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken to restore and protect the well-being of the community. The purpose of the Student Code (complete policy and procedures are in the Student Handbook) is not to restrict student rights but to protect the rights of individuals in their academic pursuits. The MTC Student Code is available on the College’s website at

MTC Honor Code

Midlands Technical College is committed to developing lifelong learners by creating an educational community that prepares students for the work environment, further education, and responsible citizenship. As a student, I will uphold the following:
1.          Academic Responsibilities

I will act honorably, responsibly, and with academic integrity and honesty.
I will not commit acts of academic misconduct.
I will be responsible for my own academic work and will neither give nor receive unauthorized or unacknowledged aid.

2.          Personal Responsibilities

I agree to support the mission and values of the college. 
I commit to being actively engaged in the educational process at MTC.

3.         Community Responsibilities

I will be empathetic in conversations with peers, instructors, and staff understanding that mutual respect is a right, not a privilege.
I understand that our differences as members of the MTC community make us unique and I will engage in experiences that cultivate learning and the exchange of ideas.
I will uphold a safe and inviting environment for the college community by respecting college property and the property of others.
I will be considerate to all members and guests of the MTC community.