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Academic Policies

Academic Policies

Standards for Academic Progress

(Standards of progress for financial aid are posted online and under the section on Student Financial Services.)

To remain in good standing, students pursuing a degree, diploma or certificate who are enrolled in regular curriculum classes must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0.

Students who fail to earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 will be placed on probation during the next term in which they enroll in the college. (Some programs require higher GPAs each term to remain in good standing.) Students on probation are advised to discuss their academic situation with their Academic and Career Advisor, seek additional supportive resources such as the Academic Success Centers and Counseling Services as needed, and take reduced course loads until performance improves. It is also recommended that the student enroll in a College Skills course unless the student has already successfully completed it.

Those who earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 during that next term will be removed from probationary status.

Students on probationary status who do not earn the required GPA will be suspended from the college for the term following probation. Students on academic suspension are ineligible to enroll for college credit courses for one semester.

Students who achieve a GPA of at least 2.0 for the probationary term but whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 will remain on probation for one additional term. By the end of the second probationary term, students who achieve a GPA of at least 2.0 for the term but whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 will stay on probation for one additional term. By the end of the third probationary term, the cumulative GPA must reach at least 2.0 or the student will be suspended, unless the term GPA is 2.5 or higher.

Students on probation may not serve in college-wide elective offices or be appointed to any administrative or social committees during the probationary period.

Students enrolled in developmental or enrolled in both developmental and curriculum courses must meet standards of academic progress as defined below. Additional standards of progress are required of financial aid applicants based on the type of aid received. Please contact the Student Financial Services Office or refer to the Student Financial Aid website at MIDLANDSTECH.EDU for a copy of satisfactory academic progress standards for financial aid.

Developmental Courses Standards of Progress

Students enrolled in zero-level courses only must receive grades of A, B or C in at least half of their courses to remain in good standing. Once students begin taking a ‘0’ level course or a 100 level course, they may not retake the placement test. Students must successfully complete the course to move to the next level and be eligible to enroll in freshman level courses. A withdrawal counts as an enrollment.

Students who do not meet this requirement will be placed on probation during the next term in which they enroll in the college.

Students enrolled in zero-level courses only who are on probation and who do not earn grades of A, B or C in at least half of their courses will be suspended from the college the term following probation. Those who do earn grades of A, B or C in at least half of their courses will be removed from probationary status.

Students taking both zero-level and curriculum courses must earn a GPA of at least 2.0 as outlined above and pass at least half of their courses.

Students who do not meet both of these requirements will be placed on probation during the next term in which they enroll in the college. All probationary guidelines as outlined in the Standards for Academic Progress will apply.

Students on probation who do not earn a GPA of at least 2.0 or who do not earn grades of A, B or C in at least half of their developmental courses will be suspended from the college during the term following probation. Those who earn a GPA of at least 2.0 and earn grades of A, B or C in at least half of their developmental courses will be removed from probationary status.

Special advisement/counseling sessions will be available to students on probation.

Examination and Grading Policies


Final exams, where appropriate, are given during the last week of regularly scheduled classes. Exams will occur the same day, time, and location as the regularly scheduled class on the date indicated by the instructor. Faculty members are expected to proctor their final exam to ensure academic integrity. Some classes may have capstone projects, essays, or presentations in lieu of a final exam.

Grading Policies

Students may go online at MIDLANDSTECH.EDU to view their grades through their MyMTC account. If an official paper copy is required, students may go to the Office of Student Records and make an official request. Students must present an unexpired federal, state, or MTC picture I.D. to receive grade information.

If an error is suspected in the reported grades, students must notify the faculty member involved within one calendar term after the term in which the grade was issued. Failure to initiate and complete processing within the specified time will disqualify students from further consideration of a grade change.

The Midlands Technical College grading system is as follows:

A – Superior – 4 quality points
B – Above Average – 3 quality points
C – Average – 2 quality points
D – Below Average – 1 quality point
F – Failure – computed in grade point average as zero (0) quality points
W – Withdrew
I – Incomplete – must be made up within one term
AU – Audit – no credit
E – Exempted from the Course
TR – Transfer – earns credit hours, generates no grade points
NC – No Credit – for students in designated courses

Grades for zero-level courses (e.g., ENG 032) are NOT calculated into students’ overall GPAs. Continuing Education grades are also not calculated into students’ overall GPAs.

Repeat Grade Policy

When a course is repeated, all grades will be entered on the student’s permanent academic record. For 100- and 200-level courses, the higher of the two grades will be included in the grade point average.

Students are generally allowed two attempts of a course, a withdrawal grade of ‘W” is counted as an attempt. Students who have exceed their two attempts will be prevented from registering for a third time and will be referred to the department for a review to determine if an exception will be made for the additional attempt. All subsequent attempts will be automatically stopped.

Certain departmental requirements may impose stricter requirements in limiting the number of times a course may be repeated.

Students who plan to transfer must realize the receiving college may recalculate grade point averages, including repeat grades, according to that college’s policies.

Students receiving financial aid should know that all coursework attempted will be calculated in assessment of academic progress standards for student financial aid purposes.