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Honors Policy

Graduation Honors

Associate Degree with High Honors – This honor is awarded to associate degree recipients who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.8-4.0.

Associate Degree with Honors – This honor is awarded to associate degree recipients who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.5-3.79.

Certificate/Diploma with Honors – This honor is awarded only to certificate and diploma recipients who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above in at least two semesters of work at the college.

Academic Honors

To be eligible for Academic Honors, students must be pursuing a degree, diploma or certificate and receive no grades of “I” or “NC” during the term. Grades for zero-level courses (MAT 032, ENG 032 and RDG 032) are not included in the calculation of GPA or the required credit hours for academic honors.

President’s List – Each semester, students who earn a 4.0 grade point average in at least 12 credit hours (excluding zero-level courses) attempted at Midlands Technical College will be placed on the President’s List for that term and given appropriate recognition.

Dean's List – Each semester, students who earn a 3.5-3.99 grade point average in at least 12 credit hours (excluding zero-level courses) attempted will be placed on the Dean's List for that term and given appropriate recognition.

Part-Time Student Honor Roll – Each semester, students who earn a 3.8 grade point average or above in at least three credit hours but no more than 11 credit hours (excluding zero-level courses) will be placed on the Part-Time Student Honor Roll and given appropriate recognition.

At the end of each term, the Student Records Office will identify students eligible for the President’s List, the Dean's List and the Part-Time Student Honor Roll.

Honor Societies

Midlands Technical College seeks to challenge all students to achieve their fullest potential and to provide continued extracurricular stimulation for those who are exceptional achievers.

Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society for community college students. Students in associate degree programs who have earned at least 12 credit hours of college level work, who have cumulative GPAs of 3.5 or higher and who are nominated by their faculty will be eligible to join Phi Theta Kappa. Midlands Technical College sponsors the Alpha Eta Kappa chapter of Phi Theta Kappa.

MTC Ambassador Assembly is an honor/volunteer organization of outstanding students selected to represent MTC at college and community events. Members are selected on the basis of academic performance and extracurricular activities.

National Technical Honor Society - Midlands Technical College recognizes outstanding students enrolled in Career Programs majors through membership in the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). After completing 12 semester hours in college-level coursework with a 3.0 GPA, students are eligible to seek faculty recommendations for induction into the NTHS.